Olga Rodrigues

Director of Customer Operations

RAI Stone Group

1401 26th Avenue NE.

Minneapolis MN 55418

T: 715-214-8876

Dear Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Ethics Committee,

I am writing to attest of Johnny Thomas’ integrity and character. I worked with Johnny for the past six years as the Director of Customer Operations for RAI Stone Group. Johnny was one of our customers and he used the financial business analysis we provided to better understand how he could run his business more profitably and efficiently, while maintaining ethical standards with his customers and contractors.

After we reviewed Johnny’s business first analysis, he immediately acted to correct discrepancies discovered in his numbers and hired new professionals that were be able to guide him in running his business while respecting financial and accounting rules. The integrity of his finances was very important to him and he made sure to gather the appropriate team around him.

Through our work together, Johnny increased his business revenue and also scaled it down with integrity and fairness. When he made the choice to return to a one-man business, he communicated openly with his contractors, giving them time to adjust and ensuring they were in good positions. I have also seen him personally interact with customers, providing honest replies and open policies that put the customer first.

I would highly recommend Johnny for any integrity award.

Yours Sincerely, Olga Rodrigues
